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Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Jurgis Šaulys, Lithuanian Envoy to Switzerland, to Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius, Deputy Prime Minister of the People’s Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, on the state of affairs in occupied Lithuania and at the Lithuanian Legation in Switzerland.

26 June 1940

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. R-1019, ap. 1, b. 1, l. 68, 68 a. p., 69.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The appeal from Jurgis Šaulys, Lithuanian Envoy to Switzerland, [to Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius, Deputy Prime Minister of the People’s Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania] concerning Lithuania’s occupation whereby he refuses to cooperate with the puppet government and comply with its instructions.

23 July 1940

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. R-1019, ap. 1, b. 1, l. 70, 70 a. p.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Pijus Glovackas, Secretary General of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to Karl Egger, Envoy of Switzerland to Lithuania, on the decision to close the Lithuanian Legation in Switzerland on 30 July and discharge henceforth Envoy Jurgis Šaulys from his duties.

A copy. 26 July 1940

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. R-1019, ap. 1, b. 26, l. 77.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Pijus Glovackas, Secretary General of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to Karl Egger, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to Lithuania, which notifies of the termination of diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Switzerland and the closure of the Swiss Legation in Lithuania.

12 August 1940

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. R-1019, ap. 1, b. 2, l. 50.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Albertas Gerutis, First Secretary at the Lithuanian Legation (1940 – 1946) and Head of the Press Bureau in Switzerland.

Unknown date.

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 668, ap. 1, b. 602, l. 24.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

First Secretary at the Lithuanian Legation (1940 – 1946) and Head of the Press Bureau in Switzerland, Albertas Gerutis (on the left).

Switzerland, unknown date.

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 668, ap. 1, b. 602, l. 26.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Edvardas Turauskas, Counsellor at the Lithuanian Legation in Switzerland and Permanent Representative of Lithuania at the League of Nations (1940 – 1946).


Lithuanian Central State Archives, 0-081107.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Jurgis Šaulys, Lithuanian Envoy to Switzerland; from December 1941 to November 1945, Head of the Lithuanian Diplomatic Service.

Kaunas, [1930 – 1933]

Lithuanian Central State Archives, 0-081186.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Edvardas Turauskas, Minister Plenipotentiary of Lithuania to Switzerland, to Povilas Žadeikis, Minister Plenipotentiary of Lithuania to the USA, on the situation in occupied Lithuania and prospects for Lithuanian representatives to function in exile.

28 August 1941

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 656, ap. 4, b. 532, l. 21, 21 a. p.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Edvardas Turauskas, Minister Plenipotentiary of Lithuania to Switzerland, to Povilas Žadeikis, Minister Plenipotentiary of Lithuania in Washington, exploring ways to assist people of occupied Lithuania and further examining prospects for Lithuanian representatives to function in exile.

4 September 1941

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 656, ap. 4, b. 532, l. 23.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Lithuanian diplomats and their spouses celebrate Lithuania’s Independence Day, February 16 [in Edvardas Turauskas’ apartment].

Sitting from left to right: 1 – [Saulienė], 2 – Ona Jakaitytė-Eretienė, 3 – Elena Jankauskaitė-Turauskienė, 4 – Edvardas Turauskas, 5 – Elena Taraskevičiūtė-Gerutienė; standing from left to right: 1 – Birutė Jankauskaitė, 2 – Albertas Gerutis, 3 – Steponas Garbačiauskas.

Bern, Switzerland, 16 February 1942

Lithuanian Central State Archives, A179-P163.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Lithuanian diplomats and their spouses.

From left to right: 1 – Jurgis Šaulys, 2 – Edvardas Turauskas, 3 – Elena Taraskevičiūtė-Gerutienė, 4 – Birutė Jankauskaitė, 5 – Elena Jankauskaitė-Turauskienė, 6 – Juozas Eretas, 7 – Albertas Gerutis.

Bern, Switzerland, 16 February 1943

Lithuanian Central State Archives, A179-P353.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Lithuanian diplomats and their spouses celebrate Lithuania’s Independence Day, February 16, in Edvardas Turauskas’ apartment.

Sitting from left to right: 1 – Juozas Eretas, 2 – Elena Jankauskaitė-Turauskienė, 3 – Jurgis Šaulys, 4 – Elena Taraskevičiūtė-Gerutienė, 5 – Edvardas Turauskas, 6 – Birutė Jankauskaitė; standing from left to right: 1 – Steponas Garbačiauskas, 2 – Albertas Gerutis.

Bern, Switzerland, 16 February 1943

Lithuanian Central State Archives, A179-P355.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Lithuanian diplomats and their spouses celebrate Lithuania’s Independence Day, February 16, in Edvardas Turauskas’ apartment.

Front row (from left to right): 1 – Steponas Garbačiauskas, 2 – Edvardas Turauskas, 3 – Elena Taraskevičiūtė-Gerutienė, 4 – Elena Jankauskaitė-Turauskienė, 5 – Jurgis Šaulys; back row (from left to right): 1 – Birutė Jankauskaitė, 2 – Albertas Gerutis, 3 – Juozas Eretas.

Bern, Switzerland, 16 February 1943

Lithuanian Central State Archives, A179-P359.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The sealed envelope of the Lithuanian Legation in Switzerland.

August 1943

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 656, ap. 4, b. 532, l. 44 a. p.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Lithuanian diplomats in Switzerland (1940–1945)

Lithuanian diplomats in Switzerland (1940–1945)

In the video: Edvardas Turauskas, Permanent Representative of Lithuania at the League of Nations and Counsellor at the Lithuanian Legation in Switzerland, his wife Elena Jankauskaitė-Turauskienė and her sister Birutė Jankauskaitė; Janos Wettstein de Westerheim, Minister Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Switzerland, and his wife Margit Wettstein.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The Conference of the Lithuanian Diplomatic Service and the Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania (VLIK) in Bern, Switzerland, 1946.

The Conference of the Lithuanian Diplomatic Service and the Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania (VLIK) in Bern, Switzerland, 1946.

In the video: Edvardas Turauskas, Permanent Representative of Lithuania at the League of Nations and Counsellor at the Lithuanian Legation in Switzerland; Mykolas Krupavičius, VLIK Chairman; Stasys Lozoraitis, Head of the Lithuanian Diplomatic Service, et al.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Pro memoria from Edvardas Turauskas, Counsellor at the Lithuanian Legation to Switzerland, to Povilas Žadeikis, Minister Plenipotentiary of Lithuania to the USA, on the League of Nations and Lithuanian representation there.

25 February 1946

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 656, ap. 4, b. 532, l. 75, 76.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Pro memoria by Jurgis Šaulys, Lithuanian Envoy to Switzerland, on the closure of the Lithuanian Legation in Switzerland.

22 November 1946

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 648, ap. 2, b. 225, l. 1, 2.

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