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Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Charles L. E. Sardy, Head of the Division for Foreign Affairs, Swiss Federal Political Department, to Jurgis Šaulys, Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lithuania to Germany, which informs that while withholding Lithuania’s official recognition, Switzerland allows Lithuanian representatives to perform their duties in the country and will create appropriate conditions.

A copy. 16 December 1918

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 65, l. 132.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The order of Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augustinas Voldemaras, on the establishment of a Lithuanian mission in Bern.

A copy. 27 December 1918

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 923, ap. 1, b. 40, l. 378.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The telegram from Lithuanian Representative to Germany, Juozas Purickis, to Vladas Daumantas concerning his appointment as Lithuanian Representative to Switzerland.

10 January 1919

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 63, l. 175, 176.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Vladas Daumantas, the first Plenipotentiary Representative of Lithuania to Switzerland.

Unknown date.

Lithuanian Central State Archives, 0-011236.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Petras Klimas, First Counsellor at the Lithuanian Mission in Bern.

Paris, France, 13 November 1929

Lithuanian Central State Archives, P-20577.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Order No 11 of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the appointment of Pranas Jucaitis as Secretary of the Lithuanian Mission to Switzerland.

21 February 1919

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 2, b. 572, l. 65.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Order No 14 of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the appointment of Edvardas Turauskas as Diplomatic Courier for the Lithuanian Mission in Berne.

26 February 1919

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 2, b. 572, l. 64.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The message from the Lithuanian Mission in Bern to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania about the new address of the Mission and Press Bureau “Lietuva” (Lituania) in Bern.

22 September 1919

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, p. 7, b. 65, l. 60.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Jadvyga Chodakauskaitė, Head of the Lithuanian Information Bureau under the Lithuanian Mission in Bern.

Unknown date.

Lithuanian Central State Archives, 0-011255.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Jurgis Šaulys, Lithuanian Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland, to the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning international developments and recognition of Lithuania’s independence.

10 December 1919

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 65, l. 16, 17, 18.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Jurgis Šaulys, Lithuanian Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland.

Unknown date.

Lithuanian Central State Archives, 0-011232.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The Lithuanian delegation headed by diplomat Jurgis Šaulys in Warsaw.

Front row (from left to right): 1 – Mykolas Velykis, General Staff Officer, 2 – Jurgis Šaulys, Head of the delegation; back row (from left to right): 1 – Col Konstantin Jezavitov, Colonel of the 1st Belogudian (Belarusian) Regiment, 2 – Vladas Daumantas, representative of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 64, l. 231.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of Lithuania to Switzerland, to the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the validity of passports issued to Lithuanian citizens and the recognition of Lithuania’s independence.

13 December 1919

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 65, l. 15, 15 a. p.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of Lithuania to Switzerland, later Chargé d'Affaires of Lithuania to Switzerland.

Unknown date.

Lithuanian Central State Archives, 0-011246.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of Lithuania to Switzerland, to Alfredas Jonas Tiškevičius, Lithuanian Representative in London, regarding the state of representation in Bern following the departure of Lithuanian Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland, Jurgis Šaulys.

5 January 1920

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 648, ap. 1, b. 65, l. 39.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Juozas Purickis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, to Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, Lithuanian Chargé d'Affaires to Switzerland, regarding the assumption of ownership of the Lithuanian organisations’ assets in Switzerland during and after World War I.

A copy. 27 August 1920

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 172, l. 48.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The team of Lithuanian diplomats in Fribourg.

From left to right: 1 – Juozas Purickis, Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 2 – Jonas Julius Bielskis, Lithuanian Financial Representative in the USA, 3 – Antanas Steponaitis, Head of the Charity Committee “Lituania”, 4 – Vladas Daumantas, the first Plenipotentiary Representative of Lithuania to Switzerland.

Switzerland, [1921]. Photo by Lorson & Fils.

Lithuanian Central State Archives, P-42359.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, Lithuanian Chargé d'Affaires to Switzerland, to Juozas Purickis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, concerning a meeting with Swiss government representatives on the recognition of Lithuania’s independence.

6 March 1921

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 143, l. 83.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The message of 29 April 1921 to Aleksandras Stulginskis, President of the Republic of Lithuania, from Lithuanian Foreign Minister Juozas Purlickis’ Secretary concerning the conditions set out by the Swiss government for the recognition of Lithuania’s independence and the copy of Vaclovas Sidzikauskas’, Lithuanian Chargé d'Affaires to Switzerland, telegram of 28 April 1921.

29 April 1921

28 April 1921

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 126, l. 191, 192.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The extract from the minutes of the Cabinet of Ministers meeting where the decision to agree to the conditions attached by the Swiss government to the recognition of Lithuania’s independence was taken.

29 April 1921

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 923, ap. 1, b. 169, l. 91.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Lithuanian Chargé d'Affaires to Switzerland, Vaclovas Sidzikauskas’, letter to Juozas Purickis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, about the meeting with Swiss government representatives on the recognition of Lithuania’s independence.

1 May 1921

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 174, l. 94, 94 a. p.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Excerpts from the letter by Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, Lithuanian Chargé d'Affaires to Switzerland, to Juozas Purickis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, on an international political situation and recognition of Lithuania’s independence.

25 May 1921

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 174, l. 89, 89 a. p., 90, 90 a. p., 93.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Giuseppe Motta, Federal Councillor and Head of the Swiss Federal Political Department, to Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, Chargé d'Affaires of Lithuania to Switzerland, on a decision to recognise Lithuania de jure.

A copy.

19 August 1921

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 17, b. 20, l. 31.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter by Representative of Lithuania in America, Voldemaras Čarneckis, whereby he informs State Secretary Hughes that Switzerland has recognised Lithuania de jure.

A copy. 25 August 1921

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 656, ap. 1, b. 244, l. 215.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The telegram of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania notifying of Vaclovas Sidzikauskas’ appointment as Lithuanian Chargé d'Affaires to Switzerland.

22 November 1921

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 170, l. 12.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Bronius Dailidė, Director of the Central Europe Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Lithuania regarding the Declaration of the Swiss Federal Political Department, with a draft provisional agreement on universal civil rights and the French and Lithuanian texts of the draft agreement attached.

18 February 1922

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 923, ap. 1, b. 228, l. 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The staff of the Lithuanian Mission in Berlin.

Sitting in the middle – Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, Lithuanian Chargé d'Affaires to Switzerland, concurrently appointed, from 1 June 1922, as Lithuanian Chargé d'Affaires to Germany, thus transferred to Berlin; Lithuanian Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland from 26 April 1927.

26 April 1927

Lithuanian Central State Archives, 0-081111.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Edvardas Turauskas, Lithuanian Chargé d'Affaires ad interim to Switzerland from 1 June 1922, with the seat in Bern.

Fribourg, Switzerland, 1931

Lithuanian Central State Archives, A178-P019.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Jurgis Šaulys, Lithuanian Envoy to Germany and Switzerland, with the seat in Berlin.

Berlin, Germany [1931 – 1938]. Photo by Keystone View Company.

Lithuanian Central State Archives, P-08870.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The request by Georges Weingart, Swiss Consul in Lithuania, to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Lithuania for a building permit.

14 August 1928

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 923, ap. 1, b. 567, l. 164.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Georges Weingart, Swiss Consul in Lithuania.


Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 1367, ap. 3, b. 3246.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The message from the Swiss Consul in Lithuania containing the address of the Swiss Consular Post – Bažnyčios g. 12, Kaunas.

18 February 1930

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 650, ap. 1, b. 1, l. 99.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Kazys Bizauskas, Director of the Legal and Administrative Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, to Bronius Kazys Balutis, Lithuanian Representative in London, regarding Jurgis Šaulys’ appointment as Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lithuania to Switzerland.

21 July 1934

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 648, ap. 1, b. 352, l. 34.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from the Division for Foreign Affairs, Swiss Federal Political Department, to the Lithuanian Legation in Switzerland, issuing agrément to the appointment of Jurgis Šaulys as Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lithuania to Switzerland.

21 August 1921

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 648, ap. 1, b. 352, l. 37.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

Antanas Smetona, President of the Republic of Lithuania, at the Swiss Book Fair in Vytautas the Great War Museum. Standing next to him are Dr Friedrich Kästli, Swiss Consul in Lithuania, and Lt. Col. Vaclovas Šliogeris.

Kaunas, 8 February 1937

Lithuanian Central State Archives, A075-P047.

Centenary of Swiss-Lithuanian Diplomatic Relations (LCSA)

The letter from Jurgis Šaulys, Minister Plenipotentiary of Lithuania’s Permanent Delegation at the League of Nations, to Voldemaras Čarneckis, Director of the Legal and Administrative Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, on merging Lithuanian representations in Geneva and Bern.

26 October 1939

Lithuanian Central State Archives, f. 383, ap. 7, b. 2231, l. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.

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